United States: New deadly Ebola like virus which has already claimed eight human lives in Rwanda and health care professionals in the United States are under alert. Marburg virus causes Marburg’s disease which in a nutshell, is a hemorrhagic fever that is still untreatable and for which no licensed vaccine is available.
Marburg virus is responsible for Marburg’s disease which is basically a hemorrhagic fever that is still untreatable and for which no licensed vaccine is available.
On Monday, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement saying, to date, there are no reported cases within the United States associated with the outbreak in Rwanda, and the current risk to Americans is considered low.
As reported by HealthDay, Marburg is not a frequent disease and that was what Rwanda’s Health Minister, Dr. Sabin Nsanzimana told journalists Sunday night and this information is provided by the Associated Press. ”We are increasing the aggressiveness of contact tracing and testing to slow the chain.”
Rwanda first declared an outbreak on Friday.
But, until this writing there is almost about 26 cases which have been confirmed, the AP said. The first six died on Saturday. Many of them are health care providers in six regions of the landlocked nation.
Marburg virus for instance is comparable to Ebola, is also transmitted from fruit bats. It infected between people from direct contact with the patient’s body fluids or coming into contact with contaminated articles like the bed sheet.
If left untreated, Marburg is lethal in as much as 88% of patients as AP reported.
Three hundred Rwandans who had been in contact with people who have been infected with the virus have been identified. A certain number have been placed in isolation.
After being infected with Marburg, it will take anyone from three days to three weeks to show symptoms. Milk sickness symptoms are muscle pains, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting and occasionally severe bleeding.
The CDC has been working in Rwanda since the year 2002. Among others, it collaborates with the government of Rwanda in conducting investigations of disease causes.
So there this particular virus was very first identified in the 1967 after causing the simultaneous disease outbreaks in the laboratories in the Marburg, Germany and Belgrade, Serbia and there are Seven people exposed to the virus while conducting animal research died.
The World Health Organization said that the outbreaks of the disease and the individuals’ cases have previously been recorded in Tanzania, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Congo, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Ghana.
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